Gaitscan Assessment
Do you experience foot, knee, hip or back pain that worsens when you stand or walk?

Do you experience foot, knee, hip or back pain that worsens when you stand or walk?
Gaitscan: A New Computerised Pressure Platform
If you experience foot, knee, hip or back pain that worsens when you stand or walk, the problem may be related to your feet and how they move.
Using the Gaitscan, a new computerised pressure platform, we can scan your feet and diagnose the problem in around 30 minutes!
Well, even if you do not have any foot, knee, hip or back pain, 80% of the general population have either flat or raised foot arches. This may lead to problems if left unaddressed such as shin splints, early osteoarthritis of the knee and hip and can also contribute to things like lower back and pelvic pain. This is especially true if you spend time on your feet for work, or walk or run for exercise. This simple assessment will diagnose if there is a problem with the way your foot moves, and could save you much future pain and expense.
It’s just one of the new service changes we have implemented at NWPG. Our new ‘GaitScan” analysis software allows us to see how your gait (the way you walk) may be affecting your day to day movements, sports performance, or trace the cause of any lower leg pain you may be experiencing. This software does not just give a diagnosis but also treatment advice with close to 100% accuracy – all in just 30 minutes!
The results we have achieved with patients as a result of the assessment findings have been excellent. In many cases, foot, ankle or knee pain has been eliminated, and those with no significant pain have noticed improvements in their running or standing posture that has surprised them.